
Our school zone
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enroll at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
• visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
• call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
• email the VSBA at vsba@education.vic.gov.au

Foundation (Prep) enrolments
The Department of Education (DE) has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.
The timeline advises families when and how to enroll their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Carlisle River Primary School
You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline and procedures at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).

Starting School
For further information on starting school, please contact Carlisle River Primary School or view the Department of Education (DE) Starting School resources.

Policies & Documents

Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Aboriginal Learning, Wellbeing and Safety
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Anaphylaxis
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Annual Report 2022
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Assessment and Reporting Policy
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Asthma Policy
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Attendance
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Bullying Prevention
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Camps and Excursions
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Child Safety Code of Conduct
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Child Safety Philosophy Statement
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations and Procedures
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Complaints
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Digital Learning
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Duty of Care
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Enrolment
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – First Aid
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Four Critical Actions Responding to Child Abuse
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Health Care Needs
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Healthy Food
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Homework
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Inclusion and Diversity
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Mobile Phones
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Parent Payment
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Parent Payment – Department of Education
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Privacy
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Privacy – Department of Education
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Respect for School Staff Policy
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Statement Of Values And School Philosophy
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Visitors
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Volunteers
Carlisle River Primary School (3497) – Yard Duty


We believe in the following statement:

Our school is a welcoming school and we believe in people getting on, whether it is staff with staff, teachers with students, or the students among themselves.

Nobody gives of their best unless they feel valued and wanted – so that’s where our educational philosophy begins.

Social development is as important as academic development and what doesn’t get noticed in assessment, we hope gets reflected in our Value Add work and in students’ records of achievement.

Of course, some students have lots of problems at home and though we obviously can’t solve all of those we can’t just ignore them either.


It’s a caring school and the staff is cared about as well as the students.

Carlisle River’s remote community fully recognizes the importance of the school to their child’s development and the special benefits that can be provided by a small and supportive, family oriented educational environment. The staff have a strong commitment to small school education, providing a stimulating and positive multi-aged, learning environment to cater for the varying needs, abilities, talents and interests of all students. The welfare of each student is of paramount importance at Carlisle River Primary School. The school’s small size, its close community links and the strong and genuine commitment to educator ‘duty of care’ by the teachers, ensures a safe, nurturing school environment in which all students are carefully supervised and cared for.

Carlisle River Primary School is a small, remote rural school with an average enrollment of 10 students. The teaching staff consists of a full time Principal/teacher, 0.8 Early years’ teacher and visiting specialists; Art Van, Library Van, author visit and an Indonesian teacher. The school has continued its strong community support and all family members have the opportunity to be involved in activities and programs

The development and enhancement of each student’s Literacy and Numeracy skills has remained the major curriculum focus, with the implementation of Victorian curriculum across all strands of learning, a comprehensive, integrated curriculum is delivered within a multi-age F-6 learning/teaching environment which supports collaborative, cross age & independent learning, individualized tuition and immediate intervention. Integrated units of study, routine incorporation of ICT, specialized programs in Art, Library, P.E and the excursion program, expands and enhances students’ learning and their social , cultural, interpersonal and physical development.

The FISO priority that we concentrated on in 2019 was focused on excellence in teaching and learning. To enable this, we adopted two initiatives:
• Building practice excellence: teachers, principals and schools will work together, and
• Curriculum planning and assessment: schools will embed a culture of curriculum planning, and assess the impact of learning programs, adjusting them to suit individual student needs.

A number of key improvement strategies were used to enable these initiatives. They included ongoing assessment tests, the implementation by our teachers of the Victorian Curriculum, a focus on writing and spelling, and maths by involving “I can statements” for all levels of the F-6 Victorian Curriculum

To Improve the learning growth and achievement of every student

Online testing completed as per assessment schedule for maths, reading, spelling and vocabulary. Data was analysed and this enabled teachers to enhance their teaching and implement best practice. . Staff identified good practices from observation visits. Moderated writing was undertaken with other small schools and this enabled staff to plan and implement individual writing goals for all students. Moderation of similar tasks with Alvie & Forrest Primary Schools built into the schedule of moderation. PLC – CAFe all staff are working with Deb Surkana.

Building a stimulating learning environment that engages and challenges students in their learning and foster positive well being in every individual.

Students were given the opportunity to interact with other students from different schools – Lavers Hill, Alvie & Forrest schools.

Students articulated their learning at Parent/Student/teacher interviews…student led conferences

Strengthen communication and partnerships with parents and the wider community.

Breakfast program has been successful – this will continue in 2020

We have engaged parents to be actively involved in their child’s learning by having formal meetings with parents held twice a year to review student progress and learning plans (Parent/Teacher/Student interviews) – Students created their own learning portfolio and displayed at interviews

All funds received from the Department, or raised by the school, have been expended, or committed to subsequent years, to support the achievement of educational outcomes and other operational needs of the school, consistent with Department policies, School Council approvals and the intent/purposes for which funding was provided or raised.


literacy planet
Literacy Planet

Cool Maths


how stuff works
How Stuff Works

reading eggs
Reading Eggs




Behind the News

Playground Reviews from Southwest Victoria
